Sunday, July 29, 2012


This has to be one of the hottest summers that I remember.  We have had temps over 100 for weeks.  Usually we get a break from the heat and now we think 83 is cool.  The pool has been fantastic! 
Kali did make her trip to China and back.  She has said that it was a time that she will never forget.  It was the most wonderful time in her entire life.  I can believe that.  I am awed each time we have traveled to China.  She loved it there.  We gave a little over a week to get back into the time change and then took her to get her driver's licence.  Yes!  Now if I am too tired to pick up a kid from practice or need something from the store, I can have her drive!  
We have also acquired a new kitten by the name of Smore's.  Her and the bostons sleep together and play for hours.  School registration is in just over a week away.  We also have a student from Korea coming to stay with us for the school year.  I really hope she becomes one of our scattered family of foreign exchange students.

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:

I hope you have enjoyed this montage of pictures about our summer!


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